Moi, je parcours la grande boucle sur l'image. Les chiffres sont effectivement des kilomètres!
Je n'étais jamais allée autant au sud de la ville et ne savais pas que ca devenait vallonné si vite.
Même en ayant l'impression de me perdre j'ai réussi à rester sur le parcours, à ne pas me casser une jambe stupidement et à demander mon chemin aux CRS!
Bon maintenant je crois que j'ai gagné le droit de passer l'aprèm sur mon canapé ;-ppp
It took me 3:18 to run more than 24k, because well, I felt I was lost took a few dead ends and forgot to look at the incline.
The picture does not include the trail part where the steep side trail looked more attractive than the hilly and winding road with no sidewalk, nor the part where I thought the construction site should lead to the normal road (nothing of a construction site or the general aera looked the same anymore as a lot of buildings appeared) and I was well on my way to slide down a very hilly grass slope when I realised this was very stupid of me, I might break a leg just to avoid turning back... and made the smart thing and walked back up hill, nor the part where I nearly ran into the CRS campus (CRS are the French super cops, you try not to mess with them) and asked the two keeping guard the best way to the canal.
Anyway, it was a sunny day and a very very long run. I had never been so far South and it gets country and hilly quickly.
Now it's lunch time but I want someone to cook for me
I think I might stay on the couch all afternoon

6 commentaires:
YOU ROCK! And how on earth am I going to catch up to you with all this great training you've been doing?!?!? xoxo
Cours Forrest, cours!!!
Dig, you can always play the postpartum card, and remember you are speedier than me to start with!
Petite soeur, quand tu veux tu viens avec moi :-p
Tu peux partir devant, je te rattraperai...
Bon j'admets, je l'ai méritée celle là :-)) et je tacherai de ne pas te réveiller dimanche matin!
Aucun risque, j'ai des heures de sommeil en retard!
Mais tu peux m'apporter les croissants...
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